Seahaven Storehouse
Storehouse is available for collection of food boxes from 10.30 on a Thursday if you have been referred by social services or someone eligible, such as Citizen's Advice who are usually available at the building on the day. Even if you aren't collecting food you can stay for a cuppa and something to eat if you have time.
For those donating, food donations can be left in the labelled bin at Morrisons (NB not the trolley!), or the two Co-ops, Scoop & Weigh, or in the foyer at St Peters Church in Belgrave Road.
We also welcome monetary donations which can be paid to 'Seaford Community Trust' account 60-18-37 57915415, giving 'Storehouse' as a reference.
If you would like to Gift Aid your donation you can download a form here. Just email a copy back to [email protected] or post it at 115-117 Vale Road, Seaford BN25 3HB, marking it as a Gift Aid form.** CURRENT PRIORITY NEEDS as at 11/11/2022:
Cereal, soups, tinned meats, biscuits and tinned veg **-
** Christmas 2022 TREAT NEEDS: Savoury treats, e.g crisps, cheese straws & crackers, tinned ham, tinned salmon, gravy granules, stuffing mix, tinned fruit, tinned custard, tinned evap milk/cream, chocolates/sweets, christmas crackers**
If you'd like a list of current needs sent to you regularly by email, then please submit your email address here. Please note that your email address is secure, and will only be used for sending you the list, never for any other purpose, and you may unsubscribe from it at any time as detailed in the email: